Suncatcher Energy

Residential Services

Now’s the Time to get off your Utilities Power Grid"

RMP will be raising rates in 2025 by 18% and more in the future because of increased insurance rates due to wildfires, cost of living, building more infrastructure and inflation.

Because RMP is not planning to go nuclear and will be winding down plants that burn coal they need the power you generate to keep the grid alive and well.

The Wasatch front is growing and the EV changeover is happening, which will require considerably more power from the Grid. There will be many more brownouts and blackouts in the future.

We suggest one of three options to get away from the utilities power grid.

You can select from 4 different options

Microgrid Option

We highly recommend you look seriously at installing a Microgrid. I will take you entirely off the utility grid. You will be energy independent. After you read the following paragraphs click on the Microgrid tab for all information you need. Then call us.

Install Solar Only Option
· The world, the US, the economy, our government, our society, our habits, automobiles, and the energy industry is changing rapidly.

· Therefore, we highly recommend you set the wheels in motion to build your own Microgrid over time.

· You can start with the basics and add more equipment when the need arises.

· To start, you can install solar panels and a hybrid inverter. These are the basic building blocks and the key piece for adding on later is the Hybrid Inverter.

· You will have the advantage of the power of solar and net metering which will reduce your power bill to a small fraction of your current bill.

· We also have incentives, and financing available that lets you can add additional equipment later.

Add Battery Only Option

To get you as close to being Off Grid as possible (only a Microgrid will “island” you from the grid), you can purchase a battery from us.

· We highly suggest adding a battery to enhance your energy management. A battery allows you to store extra energy for later use, helping you save on energy costs and providing backup power during outages. You will be able to charge you EV at night with your own power and you will also have back up power when the grid goes down..

· Our installation time is quick because we have top battery experts on our team. These experts also train others about to sell and install batteries. This ensures a smooth installation process. You can trust that your battery installation will be done correctly from the start.

· If you purchase a RPM Wattsmart battery such as a Fortress you will get a rebate from RMP and an annual check for power you sold to them during the year. The IRA 30% tax credit also applies.

Install Solar and Battery Option
· This is very similar to a Microgrid except we will install microinverters instead of a hybrid inverter. You can click on the Microgrid tab to see the difference.

Customer-Friendly Financing

At Suncatcher Energy, we provide easy financing for your solar system. We help you avoid extra fees so you can save money.
We want you to enjoy positive cash flow from the start.
We have loans available from many different lenders at every possible rate and term for all levels of qualification. We will be happy to discuss them during our discussions. We want to provide you will all of the information about financing your system to make sure it works for your family. You do not want buyer’s remorse after you are beginning to enjoy your savings. This is to be a time of celebration.
Understanding loan fees
This is extremely important to understand when financing your solar power system. Many solar companies, including Suncatcher Energy, work with lenders who add an additional upfront fee called a “Dealer Fee” it really is a “Lender Fee” that is passed along to you. This increases your total price of you system by up to 30%. For example, a system priced at $30,000 may actually cost you $39,000 due to these extra fees. While this may lower your interest rate lightly, it also means you will have to pay an extra $9,000 just for the loan.
So, if you refinance or pay off your loan early, you have a larger loan to pay off, in this case $9,000.
Because the loan is an unsecured loan it elevates the lender’s risk. This is still a rip off that is not controlled by the solar industry. It should be less than it is for because there are not that many defaults, but no one does anything about it. All of that extra money goes to the lender, and we cannot do anything about it.
At Suncatcher Energy, we have found a few lenders that do not charge these extra fees but the rate may be a point higher for a longer term, but you do not have that extra amount to refi.
It’s important to compare offers from different companies. Unless you ask the salesman if your price from them includes the extra dealer fee and how much the dealer fee is you will never know.
Now maybe you can go to a bank and borrow the real loan amount if you prefer, or you can go with the salesman’s price but now you know. Being informed, can help you avoid extraordinary expenses and make the best financial choice for your solar investment.

You can have your Own Power Company Now!!